We have collated the outcomes from the Lived Experience Consultation on the 23rd of July, 2020 into a two page A3 poster. The poster summaries participants experiences finding and accessing mental health supports and their perspectives to inform the new Darwin Adult Mental Health Centre.
The new Darwin Adult Mental Health Centre is one of eight to be established in Australia, funded by the Commonwealth Government. The four core elements of the Centre’s service operation include:
- Provide a central point to connect people to other services in the region, including through offering information and advice about mental health and AOD use, service navigation and warm referral pathways for individuals, and their carers and family;
- Provide in-house assessment, including information and support to access services;
- Provide evidence-based and evidence-informed immediate, and short to medium term episodes of care, including utilisation of digital mental health platforms; and
- Respond to people experiencing a crisis or in significant distress, including people at heightened risk of suicide, providing support that may reduce the need for emergency department (ED) attendance.
If you would like to more about the new Darwin Adult Mental Health Centre, read the Consultation Paper