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Workshop Recordings

Hope for recovery

Understanding the impact of Mental Health & Addiction on Individuals and their Families

Presenting evidence-based information about mental ill-health, addiction and recovery from the lived experience perspective.

This free workshop is for individuals and family/kin with their own lived experience, interested community members, and professionals seeking to improve their understanding of lived experience perspectives.

Hear from Sam, Sal and Rocket, three NT Lived Experience advocates, who generously share their stories of recovery, including what its like and what helps.

Video recording of online presentation | 15 August 2024

What did you think of our presentation?

Whether you joined the workshop on the day, or watched the above recording since, we would love your feedback. We will use the survey results to improve the workshop and also report back to our funding provider. We would be very grateful if you are able to complete it (should only take 5-7 minutes).

Register for a future session

You can also register to attend this workshop in future, below.

Supporting Neurodivergent Youth

Please see our Youth resources page for recordings