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Review of the NT Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998

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Lived Experience Consultation - Monday 3rd of May

The NT Government is reviewing the Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998

The NT Lived Experience Network is running a consultation exclusively for people in the Greater Darwin region who have individual experiences of mental health challenges and their family members or loved ones. The consultation will explore potential changes relating to the Act. 

The consultation will be at the Palmerston Library on Monday the 3rd of May (a public holiday) from 10 am to 3 pm.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.   

More details in the attached poster (please share).

To be COVID safe we request that everyone please provide an RSVP by Thursday the 29th of April.  To RSVP or for more information contact:

m: 0438 022 032 or

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