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It’s time to establish a NT lived experience representative body

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NTLEN is announced as Joint Winners of the Justice category for the 2023 NT Human Rights Awards

On Thursday the 7th of December, we were awarded joint winner of Justice Award at the NT Human Rights Awards – ‘the Fitzgeralds’.

Our award recognizes more than three years of unfunded systems advocacy that we have performed through consultations, surveys, submissions and advocating for our community to have a seat at the ‘tables of decision making’. 

We have been determined to create an independent, representative and collective voice for our community.  We continue to advocate for the recognition and resourcing of a NT lived experience representative body to inform NT and national level decision making.

Watch our acceptance speech to further understand the importance of our advocacy and the importance of this award to our movement.

Support our campaign for the establishment of a NT lived experience representative body

You can support us by using your influence to back our movement and our community’s right to have a recognized and resourced lived experience representative body.

We are inviting individuals and organizations from the NT and Australia wide to support our ongoing campaign.

Sign our petition as an individual at the link below:

Send us a support letter as an organization (or individual).  

Use the support letter template that can be downloaded and adjusted from the link below:

Acceptance speech for our 2023 Human Rights Award, Joint Winner for Justice

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